We are now near to the top of Wigan, ready to go down the
flight tomorrow. Will take about 6hours to get to our mooring at Dover Bridge.
The 1st of July, and I did the 2nd
emptying of the poo part of the Airhead Compost Toilet. After the debacle 7 weeks ago, where we
clogged up the Elsan on the Caldon Canal, we thought that this time it could go
in black bin liners and into the general waste. Again it was compost and it will
continue to compost on its way to land fill.
Had a great meal at the Top Lock pub just before the Johnson
Hill flight of locks. with good real ale. Preceeded by a bottle of champagne
donated by our canal buddies of the moment.
So the locks the next day managed to clear my head a bit.
Nearly a row at one of the locks. Some big headed know it
all type, sporting pierced ears, silver rings on his chubby fingers and
skippering a rather nice old tug, tried to tell a lady bringing her boat up the
lock, that she was too slow, and should get more water in very fast, otherwise
“we will be ‘ere all bleedin’day” She stated that as they were rather long ,
fast water would be quite dangerous. I was hoping she would have told him to
naff off and mind his own biz. ! He then
recd a phone call to say that someone
was emptying a lock ( this happened to be the Lock keeper. YEAH ), that raised
his blood pressure a bit, and he stalked off saying that “they had better not
‘ave done”. Haha, you big bully, lock
keepers can do what they like, so yaboo sucks to you. Anyway, we exited the bottom lock, with
Doelally behind, and he was shouting that the boat in front of him should
already be getting in the lock. ! Hang
on, let us get out first, you steaming pillock. !!! we were out of the
lock, Deolally was trying to get out,
but he just pushed his way in causing havoc.
What a clown. !
Entered the first lock on the Wigan Flight at 8.30am ,and
exited the last lock at 12.20. Briliant going. My locking buddy for this part
was Martin, and we worked well, with taking turns of closing a lock whilst the
other walked off and opened the next etc..
Had a” go” on Marie’s bike. Its battery powered, so when
going up hills you get a bit of help.It fee ls really funny as you start
pedalling , and then Whoooosh, your off.
What a giggle.
Moored today at Worsley, ready for a week-end in Lovely
Limm. We pulled up in torrential rain,
and then in the park by the side of Trundle came a bridegroom and his men and
his photographer. They took a few damp
pics, I wished them well, and then it was “ I say,duck, would there be any
chance of some pics on back of yer barge ???? “. Yeah absolutely. So dear old Trundle is in a wedding
photo. Mick and I posed in the windows
like Rosie and Jim, but I guess we will be airbrushed out. Oh and there was some socks hanging in the
window( washing). I don’t normally hang socks in the window.
Sent off my little rhyme to Morrisons about the lack of meat in a potato and meat pie.
And lo and behold , I received a reply in rhyme from some bloke called
Daniel. He thanked me for complaining(
nicely ) in rhyme, and we are to be sent a refund. So good on yer, Mr Morrison.
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